Membership & Passes


你必须是美国的学生、教职员工、退休人员、校友会成员或大学 affiliate to join the USA Student Recreation Center. Spouses and dependents of the above primary members may also join. Our facility is not open to the public. Memberships are a twelve-month commitment. 

如果您是当前会员,并希望更改当前会员资格, click here!

Membership Definitions

Alumni: Anyone who is considered an alumnus by the University of South Alabama Alumni Association (USAAA) is eligible for a SRC membership. Applicant must be a dues paying member of the USAAA. 申请人的校友身份(年度或终身校友)经核实 USAAA.

Dependent:任何与当前学生娱乐中心有亲子关系的人 member and is age 25 and under. 

Faculty/Staff:直接为大学或美国卫生系统工作的美国支付教师和工作人员. Includes retired faculty and staff.

Plus One必须年满18岁,目前与学生娱乐中心的会员住在一起. Proof of shared address is required. Only one Plus One membership is allowed per household. 此会员资格仅适用于美国员工,校友,退休人员和附属机构 members.

Spouse:任何与当前学生娱乐中心会员合法结婚的人. Proof 如果姓氏不同,则需要填写婚姻证明或共同住址. 

Unenrolled Student (one semester off)当前非在校生,上学期已在美国注册. Membership may be purchased at the front desk.

Recent Graduate凡自注册之日起一年内从美国毕业者. 

University Affiliate申请人在传统工作之外与美国有专业关系. 目前,该会员资格只提供给爱玛客员工和捷运司机.

▼   USA Students


Currently Enrolled Students  No Additional Fee 
Spouse of Enrolled Student $10/Month
Dependent (ages 0-15) $8/Month
Dependent (ages 16-25) $10/Month
Unenrolled Students (one semester off) $40/Semester*
Recent Graduate  $10/Month for one year post Graduation

*前一学期入学的学生休学一学期 semester, may purchase a semester membership at the front desk. The fee is $40/semester and will prorate at the midpoint of the semester.

▼   USA Faculty/Staff/Retirees


Individual Membership $10/Month
Spouse $10/Month
Dependents (ages 0-15) $8/Month
Dependents (ages 16-25) $10/Month

Faculty/Staff: 美国支付教师和工作人员直接为大学或美国卫生系统工作. This includes retired faculty and staff. 

Membership fees for current faculty/staff can be payroll deducted. Please designate choice of payment when completing application.  

▼   Annual Alumni/Lifetime Alumni

Annual Alumni/Lifetime Alumni

Annual – Individual  $35/Month
Annual - Spouse  $35/Month
Annual – Dependents (16-25) $35/Month
Lifetime – Individual  $25/Month
Lifetime - Spouse  $25/Month
Lifetime - Dependents (ages 16 - 25) $25/Month
All Dependents (ages 0 - 15)  $8/Month


Alumni: 任何被十大彩票网投平台校友会认为是校友的人 is eligible for membership at the Student Recreation Center. Applicant must be a dues paying member of the University of South Alabama Alumni Association. 我们会在收到你的申请后,向校友会确认你的终身或年度身份 your application.

▼   University Affiliate

University Affiliate

Individual Membership $40/Month
Spouse $40/Month
Dependents (ages 0-15) $8/Month, per person
Dependents (ages 16 - 25) $40/Month, per person

A University Affiliate 包括与美国有传统以外的专业关系的个人 employment. Currently, this membership is only offered to Aramark employees & JagTran drivers.

▼   Additional Options for Membership

Additional Options

Plus One Membership

  • Each household is eligible to have one Plus One membership. 
  • 这必须是一个成年人,18岁以上,住在目前的学生娱乐 Center member, but is not a legal spouse. 
  • Proof of shared address is required. 
  • 此会员资格仅适用于美国员工,校友,退休人员和附属机构 members. 

Summer and Holiday Dependent Pass
Daily Guest Pass

Please call 251-460-6065 for more information.

▼   Membership Payment & Policies

教员/职员的会员类型有资格扣除工资或每月信用卡 billing.

All other membership types must be paid by credit card.  The credit card on file will 每月一日收取会员费.

如果你是一个付费会员,通过工资扣除或信用卡账单,你 注册为学生后,您有责任联系SRC会员服务部门 to discontinue the billing. Otherwise, the deduction will continue until SRC is notified. No refunds will be issued.

当会员使用信用卡付款时,任何退票将通过电子邮件通知会员 address provided on their membership agreement.  Updates are to be made to the payment 方法在每月10日前或所有受影响的会员将被终止. 


Please note the following for all members and guests: 

校园康乐及健康部保留暂停使用设施的权利 或者参与项目的参与者拒绝遵守政策,认为这是一种威胁 对自己或他人,和/或以不尊重的方式对待员工. Penalty, 严重程度和停学时间将视具体情况而定. 

校园康乐及健康学生职员亦保留拒绝入内的权利 和/或停止使用设施和/或参与计划,如果一个成员 or guest becomes unruly or refuses to follow policy. 

Guest Passes

美国学生和学生娱乐中心的成员可以携带 guest to our facility per our guest policy

Instructions for guest pass purchase:

  1. SRC成员和他们的客人需要填写下面的SRC客人签到表. 这一步可以在到达学生娱乐中心之前完成. 
  2. The SRC member should login to our Campus Recreation Portal
    • 美国学生和教职员工通过选择该选项使用单点登录 “Faculty/Staff & Student Users (SSO) Click Here”. 
    • All other SRC members should use their Jag Number to login. 
    • If you’re having trouble with our member portal, please email and notify the SRC front desk staff. 
  3. 登录后,SRC会员将点击标有“客人通行证”的图标并添加 pass to their cart. 
  4. Check out to pay for the pass. 
  5. 进入设施后,告诉SRC前台工作人员您购买了通行证, and they will check you and your guest in.  

Lockers & Towel Service

▼   Locker Service

在学生娱乐中心租一个储物柜,确保你的物品安全 Center. Lockers are assigned for one year (June 1st to May 31st). Each month is prorated from the original rental price.  Full-sized lockers begin at $75/year; half-sized lockers begin at $50/year. 

Click here to sign up for a locker. 

Month Full Size Half Size
June $75.00 $50.00
July $68.75 $45.83
August $62.50 $41.66
September $56.25 $37.49
October $50.00 $33.32
November $43.75 $29.15
Month Full Size Half Size
December $37.50 $24.98
January $31.25 $20.88
February $25.00 $16.72
March $18.75 $12.56
April $12.50 $8.40
May $6.25 $4.24
▼   Towel Service

Towel rental is prorated from the original price of $36/year. Click here to sign up for towel service.

Month Cost Month Cost
June $36 December $18
July $33 January $15
August $30 February $12
September $27 March $9
October $24 April $6
November $21 May $3